How to display clothes


Displaying clothes in a unique way can be a challenge for those invested in visual merchandising. However, the process is easy as long as someone considers the kind of clothing being sold in the store. For example, stores that sell T-shirts will want to show how they look and provide many different colors and prints from an easily accessible T-shirt display.

Selling T-shirts
Generally, people want shirts that they know will fit well and look good. They want to be able to feel the material and look at many different options for the colors. For example, people interested in buying vintage shirts will want to choose from a wide variety, and the way the shirt feels is just as important as the way the shirt looks. In such a scenario, it may be best to use many different clothes racks. These will let people sort through shirts one-by-one, from one hanger to another.

When selling t-shirts that are mostly based on the print, it’s smart to have the shirts stored by size and color, and then have one shirt hung up or placed on a mannequin to demonstrate what the print looks like. Each print would have a different display in the store. You can also use this to sell posters, with cubby holes for each poster, along with examples of the products themselves.

Selling jackets and pants
For other bulkier goods, it helps to have a heavy display rack that shows the different types of clothes. Make it easy to remove the goods from the rack and then place vanity mirrors nearby where people can see how they look with the jacket on. Be sure to have accessories like purses or hats nearby for people to mix and match.

Selling pants is more difficult, because many times people want to have a very particular fit. In such a case, having a dressing room where people can try on their pants before they buy them is a good idea. Have the pants be easy to take off the rack and conveniently located near the dressing rooms. Ensure the goods aren’t going to be stolen by using mirrors and tags to discourage shoplifters. Have an attendant by the dressing room to be sure someone doesn’t walk in with one pair of pants and walk out with another.


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