4 mannequin trends to keep in mind


Mannequins are a very common retail display fixture. New trends, however, demonstrate how some companies choose not to settle for conventional use of normal displays. Here are four ways stores may put mannequins to use in the future:

1. Mannequins in many shapes
Diversity is a major theme in today's world. Modern consumers have plenty of options and prefer businesses that cater to their unique needs. Recently, shoppers have expressed disinterest in visual merchandising that only represents a single body type.

Some stores have gotten in trouble for featuring mannequins that seem way too thin. On the other hand, NBC News said many companies have found positive feedback from featuring mannequins in many body shapes, skin hues and sizes.

2. Mannequins that capture information
Stores that employ digital solutions may use mannequins to house the technology because of the prime real estate these merchandising tools occupy. For example, a mannequin that faces an entrance can house a discreet camera that watches as people enter the space.

Visual Merchandising and Store Design described some of the more advanced data collection features mannequins employ. Central displays may host beacon innovations that find shoppers and sends them promotions as they walk by. One store uses mannequins with facial recognition technology to determine which type of shoppers frequent stores at certain hours.

"Some companies use mannequins that can wave or turn their heads."

3. Mannequins that move
It may seem like something out of "The Twilight Zone," but some companies use mannequins that can wave or turn their head for retail displays. Futurist Speaker said such innovations generate a lot of buzz due to novelty.

Mannequins that can be confused for real people through realistic movements or facial features are also popular with fashion designers. Some clothing manufacturers prefer to have their products displayed on fixtures that look like actual customers.

4. Mannequins that sell more than clothes
Clothing stores are the primary customer for mannequins, but that may change. As wearable technology becomes more popular, electronic stores need head displays for Google Glass and similar products.

The Mannequin Madness Blog shared examples of bakeries using mannequins to build dresses out of desserts. Many businesses could use mannequins in their store and window displays to show how products work or to create a tableau that catches shoppers' attention.


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